Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Put Youtube videos, pictures and music on your ipod

If you fancied having some Youtube videos on your ipod for instance or maybe just on your desktop, its as easy as (think of something easy) that. Here is a piece of software download it, click to open, put in your apps, and open the prog. Put in the url of want you want to copy, specify what format you would like ie for ipod/ windows/ mpg4 or just the audio (useful). In its preferences you can specify it to save to your desktop. Start the engine and when finished drag the video into your ipod movies.
Another tip if you dont know it already, I found useful (for the mac) If you want some photos off the web to put on your ipod or anywhere else for that matter, just drag the picture from the web onto your desktop. If you would like just a selected part of the picture (useful) use command +shift+ 4. Drag the resulting crosshair across the picture where you want to copy. You will find it on your desktop. Drag the picture into your ipod photos. I didnt know life could be that easy
Oh and thinking about it, if you want some cool/nice/interesting (whatever) music on your ipod (+anywhere else) you can go to my mixes at the bottom, click on 'go to this podcast', download it and drag into your ipod playlist. You can also (if you want the album cover artwork I did) for windows, right click, save as, for mac just drag the art, onto your desktop. while in your ipod, right click and get info. Click on Artwork, Add, then drag the relevant artwork for that mix into the box. You now have the bona fide art. And I worked all that out by myself. Oh I'm sooo clever :). Anyway I hope you enjoy this music, and find some new genres you love like I did. btw if you dont have an ipod......get one, great for doing the housework with or just having me time (which is the best time)

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